inglewood on beaufort town square speakout

Curtin University

Project Description

Curtin University Participatory Planning students will partner with Inglewood on Beaufort to plan and run a Speakout workshop at the Inglewood Night Markets, to capture community and visitor ideas about how to upgrade the Inglewood Town Square into a vibrant, community space. In small groups, the Curtin University students will conduct a series of three workshops in the lead up to the main Speakout Workshop, in order to gain background knowledge and develop an ideas bank as to how to use the budget to effectively engage with the community. The workshops collectively represent a participatory planning program, representing a combination of different engagement workshop events working towards a common objective.

Learning Methodology

Students will learn a range of common community engagment workshop techniques, through organising and running their own workshop, and participating in other students’ workshops.

Students will learn how to combine workshops into a coherent participatory planning program to address an overarching objective.

Students will learn important skills for participatory planning, including facilitation, recording, workshop design, time-management and basic event management techniques.

How does this studio match PlaceAgency Objectives?

The students will use a series of three workshops to prepare and plan for a final workshop to be held at the popular Inglewood Night Markets. The overall process allows students to practice engagement techniques, with each other at first before finally going out into the community. The final workshop will gather ideas to improve the Inglewood Town Square through placemaking interventions and built environment improvements

Activities – Studio Outline

ActivityDescriptionKey dates for activitiesKey learning objectives
Field TripMeet the studio partner/project briefingWeek 7community engagement
Workshop 4Inglewood Night Markets SpeakoutWeek 12community engagement
Meetingdebriefing with studio partnerWeek 13empathy and deep listening

Location Description

Inglewood, Perth.


Studio Leaders
Courtney BabbCourtney Babb
Project champion

Inglewood on Beaufort

Damien Giudici

Damien Giudici

- Planning
- Urban Design